частоты Райфа
Часть 11 — K (кей) Биорезонансные частоты Р.Р. Райфа
Часть 10, литера J (джей). Биорезонансные частоты великого американского ученого Р.Р. Райфа. Январь 23rd, 2015 (1),819-822
ЧАСТОТЫ: А, В, С, D, E, F, G, H, I, J,
823.Kaposis sarcoma (use Cancer Kaposis sarcoma) Саркома Капоши
Cancer (Basic comprehensive set. A complete set like this, or rotation of the general cancer sets, or Rife Technology’s intensive carcinoma and sarcoma banks are used as Basic sets. Sets listed below for specific types are to be used in addition to basic sets. Also add frequencies determined to be beneficial from scans. Increase run times on frequencies thought to be most effective as detox allows. Don Tunney now includes E_coli_1 frequencies with Resonant Light’s intensive regimens. Also use 11,780,000Hz if device is capable. James Bare states that 10025 may be master frequency for cancer in general, 10026 for sarcoma. Use + and – 3Hz sweep about 10025, building up to longer periods like 5 min per freq, 2128*) — 10000, 11780, 21275, 17034, 11430, 10025, 6766, 6064, 5000, 3713, 3176, 3040, 2950, 2876, 2790, 2720, 2452, 2189, 2182, 2128, 2127, 2084, 2048, 2008, 1604, 1552, 1489, 880, 854, 800, 784, 776, 766, 728, 690, 683, 676, 666, 524, 464, 333, 120, 20
Cancer Kaposis sarcoma (also use Herpes type 8) — 249, 418, 647
Cancer sarcoma general (BY) — 1755, 3524, 2007.5, 2005, 2015.9, 2083.8, 728, 880, 802, 785
Cancer BY virus (sarcoma virus, also use Cancer_sarcoma) — 11430000, 20080, 17034, 11780, 11430, 3524, 2128, 2008
824.Kidney insufficiency Почечная недостаточность — 9.2, 10, 40, 440, 1600, 1550, 1500, 880, 802, 650, 625, 600, 444, 1865, 146, 250, 125, 95, 72, 20
825.Kidney papilloma (small, usually benign growth on a kidney) Папилома почки— 110, 148, 264, 634, 767, 848, 917, 760, 762, 1102
826.Kidney stimulation TR (specified by True Rife as may help against infections common in acute renal failure) Почки, стимуляция 4412, 2720, 2400, 2112, 1864, 1600, 1550, 1500, 880, 854, 800, 784, 751, 732, 728, 712, 668, 651, 644, 625, 600, 524, 465, 442, 334, 250, 240, 152, 146, 28, 125, 120, 112, 100, 96, 93, 72, 64, 40, 20, 2222, 1153, 1134, 1016, 582, 676, 440
827.Kidney stones (use with vitamin, mineral, and herb supplementation) Камни в почках (использовать витамины, минералы, биодобавки) — 444, 727, 787, 880, 10000, 6000, 3000, 3.5, 1552
828.Kidney tonic general Почки (общеукрепляющие программы) — 440, 248, 8, 880, 20, 10000, 800, 5000, 3000
829.Kiefer osteitis (a type of bone inflammation marked by enlargement and pain) Остеомиелит— 432, 516, 384
830.Klebsiella pneumoniae (use Pneumoniae klebsiella) Клебсиела Пневмонае
Pneumoniae_klebsiella (causes an acute, bacterial pneumonia) — 840, 818, 783, 779, 776, 766, 765, 746, 413, 412
Pneumoniae_klebsiella_HC – 19964.61, 20860.78, 1038.60, 993.98
831.Knee joint pain Боль в коленном суставе — 1550, 880, 802, 787, 727, 28, 20, 7.69, 3, 1.2, 250, 9.6, 9.39
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